The Spirit Of Exploration

by @dragondreams

Liner Notes

#midsummeroracle #instrumental
This is inspired by the card that @wylddandelyon drew for me in the @midsummeroracle challenge. I went with the space theme. I also cheated and added a reference to a fifth Mars rover (spot the Morse code).




The Morse Code is a nice touch, Double D. It feels and sounds interplanetary. Production is killin', too.
Oh, that's great!
Beautiful music. Used to know a little Morse Code back in my Boy Scout days, but...that's been a while ago. Terrific arrangement--enjoyed very much! ❤️
Creative use of morse code I like it, as well as the theme of the song. Great job on this one!
Oh I really like this. I got that there was morse code but not the actual message, but it just carried the whole space theme, something lost out there in the depths of space, calling out in morse code desperate for help and someone to reply....the morse code rhythm almost supported the tootlestick melody at one point 😎
the pad sounds like actual transmissions from space. are they, or are they your simulations? I like the music and the monster you have added to these sounds, but since i dont read morse code, i didnt get the reference to Mars..
Kinda does feel being alone on the surface of Mars looking out over the horizon. It's both relaxing and desolate. When the flutey tootie part comes in, it makes it feel less lonely somehow. I heard the Morse code, but I don't know Morse code, so if there was an actual message in it, it's unfortunately lost on me. What does it say? What does it say? :P
great arrangement feels like Movie music
Beautiful. And the use of Morse (which I won't spoil) is fantastically nerdy!