Pack Your Life Away

by @rocketgrrrl

Pack Your Life Away

Liner Notes

#folk #girlwithpiano #queer

I still have boxes yet to unpack from our recent move, and I'm going into 50/90 with a backup mic and no MIDI interface. But that's not the part of moving that inspired me for this song. At the core of it, it was the fundamentally impossible choice to try to somehow pack up a lifetime and leave your home. Forever. I'm just glad that this time around, I wasn't doing it alone.


Pack Away
Jemma Kline

Find the rolls of packing paper and the tape.
Time to put our favorite dishes in a crate.
Wrap the pictures, fold the blankets, pack our shoes.
Though I’m getting rather nervous, I’m with you.

Time to pack your life away.
You were never here to stay.
Take your memories, and then pack your life away.

All of our dresses, all our sweaters, in a box.
Seal them up, but then we notice missing socks.
Might be laughter, might be stressful, might be tears,
But together, hand in hand, we’ll face our fears.

Time to pack your life away.
You were never here to stay.
Take your memories, and then pack your life away.

Feels like madness, leaving home,
For a place you’ve never known.
Many reasons in my mind.
Some of them I’ll leave behind.

Time to pack your life away.
You were never here to stay.
Take your memories, and then pack your life away.


Well written, it touches on something many share. When I was young, I moved often and thought little of it. Now, I've been in my current place 36 years and the idea of leaving it is terrifying, partly for the logistics and partly for the change.
The chorus hits me pretty hard. Lovely song.
i can relate to this, as i have to throw away all i have amassed in the past 12 years, and pack up only what i can take on the plane. it is a sad and impossible task, and you have captured it well in the forlorn quality of the music and the ache of your voice.
There’s such poignancy in “Though I’m getting rather nervous, I’m with you.” The bittersweet lyrics and delivery capture the layered experience that moving often is.
a wonderful song -very poignant