Deepest Blue

by @carleybaer

Deepest Blue

Liner Notes

#fuc #girlwithukulele

It's not good to hold on to all the things that make you sad, even if you think you've got good reasons for doing so.


Put it all down
You’re carrying baggage
All over town
The weight
Makes it harder to move
But there you are taking damage
Like you’ve got something to prove

Deepest blue now
I’ve got news for you
No one’s rooting for you to lose
More than you

Put it all on display
What you picked up from your travels
Along the way
The same
As it is every day
You’ve got quite the collection
If I may say

Take each one
And what you thought you knew
Throw it into the ocean
Lose it in the deepest blue
Deepest blue

Deepest blue
The saddest hue
And that is you


Oh this is so rich in emotions.
"No one’s rooting for you to lose
More than you!" -
Oh yes, I pumped my fist when I heard that line.

I wasn't aware you were here this year. The old system used to show all new songs by people on my watchlist, but for some odd reason, it didn't show your name until today.
Nice harmonies and flow (get Lindsey Buckingham playing with you and it would fit nicely on a Fleetwood Mac album).
The last two lines of that first chorus hit hard. A really beautiful song.
Sweet harmonies and this one carries weight. Also yay Carley is on the board!
Imagine if Jerry Cantrell and Joni Mitchell hung out backstage at Bonnaroo. (Maybe that's actually happened?) I think the result might be something like this. Wonderfully haunting, and the occasional flat-five (or is it sharp-four in this context?) put just enough stridence in there to keep the listener a bit on edge. The kick beats give it an obsessive feel. Magnificent work as always!
Your vocals are haunting, especially when the harmonies come in. The last two lines in the first chorus sums up a lot.
Very nice. Possibly a thing we all need to hear sometimes. I like the harmonies and the backing vocals especially.
A hard but often true thing to hear. The instrumentation fits well, with the dark low drone and the bittersweet flowing of the ukulele.