All Your Dreams

by @philkmills

Challenge: Idiom
All Your Dreams

Liner Notes

#idiom #comedy #filk #acoustic

This is based on a concept that I've long considered scary, second only to: "Fairytales can come true, it can happen to you". 😬

(My only defence for the performance is that the two previous ones were worse. Shrug.)


I heard you wish me well when it was over
But why’d you have to say…
“May all your dreams come true?”

Now, I’m back in high school
And I’m standing in a hallway,
I don’t know which of the lockers might be mine.
Even if I find it,
I’ll need the combination
And I’m pretty sure that’s long been lost to time.

I heard you wish me well when it was over
But why’d you have to say,
“May all your dreams come true?”
I stood in shock a moment, only thinking,
“This can’t be the true love that I knew.”

I trudge to the exam room,
But I didn’t take this subject
Whether Spanish, Modern Art, or Chemistry
Letters blur and wiggle
When I concentrate, they vanish
Leaving blank space where the questions ought to be

I heard you wish me well when it was over
But why’d you have to say,
“May all your dreams come true?”
I stood in shock a moment, only thinking,
“This can’t be the true love that I knew.”

Perhaps you meant just good dreams, I don’t know.
If that’s the case, then you should have said so.

I’m headed to the office
Where they send disruptors
And my complaints have marked me one of those
This whole thing would be better
Though still disconcerting
If, like others, I was wearing clothes

I heard you wish me well when it was over
But why’d you have to say,
“May all your dreams come true?”
I stood in shock a moment, only thinking,
“This can’t be the true love that I knew.”

When wits returned, they brought me nothing clever
But only, “Well, my darlin’, same to you.”


Clever and fun! - bit scary for me! and then a good laugh! very well done!
Ha, yes, that is very much a curse! Just thinking of the weird ones I had only last night... some of which are not far off the ones in this song! I have no idea why my brain thinks I should have done my Maths homework. At least it usually has me wearing clothes.
Heheheh. Yup. Kind of like the Chinese curse "may you live in interesting times" or some such. Great song topic!
Excellent premise. This is why I love filk. Nicely executed as well.
Yeah, that's not something I'd like to happen to me either.
But what a great song you got out of the idea! The guitar playing is sublime. And the final response is *perfect*.
I would like to know now as well 😀 Great song and ditto vocal and guitar playing! Nice one
There's some good melody and picking going on here, Phil. I got a good chuckle when I got to the nude scene! Totally unexpected.

I think you're being hard on yourself when describing your vocal ability. There's warmth and character to your voice and those are good qualities. Just get the confidence to believe in yourself.