abraza tu lenguaje imperfecto

by @complexissimple

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

This song is written in unedited Google Translate Spanish on purpose. If you want to give me tips on how to say things better, it won't hurt me to have a better understanding of the language, but I probably won't be editing the lyrics of this song.

Parts of the English translation are also a grammatical mess because they were translated back. This seems only right.

#spanish #español #translation #googletranslate #selflove


Estoy escribiendo
una canción
en un idioma que conozco
incluso menos de lo habitual.
El mantenimiento
de este avión
es algo de lo que hay que tener cuidado.
Sus vigas de soporte son del Google

Translate, que pesadilla volar en algo así.
pero recuerda que también estás en estos brazos de mi
experiencia en volar aviones de mala calidad.
No tengas miedo, porque cada palabra es la verdad,

incluso las que no salen
del todo bien.
De todos modos, cántalas con fuerza
y dulzura y te elevarán
por encima de esas preocupaciones.

incluso las que no salen
del todo bien.
De todos modos, cántalas con fuerza
incluso menos de lo habitual
y dulzura y te elevarán
en una canción
entera y una belleza, como tú después de tu ritual

de sacrificio. No tienes que renunciar a tu yo imperfecto.
abrazar lo que otras personas no entenderán, o que no está completo
¿Cómo podrás llegar al final si no emprendes el viaje?
Así que alza la voz incluso si no conoces la lenguaje.

En inglés:
I'm writing a song in a language I know even less than I usually do. The maintenance on this airplane is something to be wary of. Its support beams are from Google Translate, what a nightmare to fly in something like this. but remember you are also in these arms of my experience in flying shoddy aircraft. Do not be afraid, for every word is the truth, even the ones that don't come out quite right. Sing them strongly and sweetly anyway, and they will lift you up above such worries. even the ones that don't come out quite right. Anyway, sing them loud - even less than usual - and sweetness and they will lift you in a song whole and a beauty, just like you after your sacrificial ritual. You don't have to give up your imperfect self. embrace what other people will not understand, or that is not complete. For how can you reach the end unless you take the journey? So raise your voice even if you don't know the language.


Know what? Totally don't matter! Put a nice flamenco guitar underneath, some percussion, and suave Spanish lisping vocals on top, and you've got yourself the next summer hit. I am actually tempted to feed this into my AI vocalist Saros, who some weeks ago got a Spanish update and is supposed to be able to sing backing tracks for telenovelas now.