I Have Teeth

by @nwhosings

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

Write a song from an emotion's perspective - but! treat the emotion like it's a person. Instead of a grieving person, make the song from Grief's perspective, for example.
Thanks, @dr_griff for this challenge!
Anger and I have a difficult relationship.
Difficult as in, almost non-existent until recently. I very much grew up in an environment where women (and those socialized as such, like myself) were not allowed to exhibit anger.
I'm learning to get to know my Anger bit by bit. The best way has been to see how they want to help me. How they wanted so much to defend me when I was a child, but they were not allowed.
I have a lot of unclogging to do.
Thankfully this song can be part of that.
I've got an idea for music in my head, but circumstances mean I have no spoons for recording right now.
#singersongwriter #emotional #angry #emotionsarepeopletoo


Don’t you dare to touch me
I have teeth
There’s nothing I want more than
To bring you grief
I’m on their side today
I’m their relief
Don’t you dare to test me
I have teeth

Yelling loud and growling low
Snarls snaps and ‘round we go
Where I’ll hit next, sure you don’t know
Too late you’ll turn and see
Sneaking up inside your walls
I’ll creep along, I’ll even crawl
They blame me all on woman’s fall
But way before she tripped
I had teeth

Don’t you dare to touch me
I have teeth
I’ll come out without warning
On the street
I’ve made my allies shine
‘Cause I’m no thief
Don’t you dare to test me
I have teeth

Both sides of ev’ry coin you own
I’m stamped in profile on your bones
They lied to tell you you’re alone
I’m ev’rywhere I can be
You need me more than you can dream
What’s right or wrong’s not what it seems
You’ve guessed it, I’m not what they deem
I’m leaving you equipped
With teeth

Don’t you dare to touch me
I have teeth
I’m every liar’s nightmare
In stark relief
I choose my own allies
To bring you grief
Don’t you dare to test me
I have teeth


These lyrics have (sorry) quite a "bite" to them! I like how directly you express the words of caution to those who would test you. I understand the anger not allowed to be expressed in childhood, and your words make me say YEAH!