Voyage 4: The Dance of the SouthEast Trades

by @timfatchen Mod

Liner Notes

#classical #folkish #piano

Not very far south of the geographic Equator, the #cruiseship encounters the South-East Trades, falling at night to gentle breezes and picking up in the day to happy winds with a light dancing chop and whitecaps. They're not as strong as they seem because the ship itself is heading south at 17 knots, more than doubling the strength of the apparent wind. Altogether though, sparklingly refreshing and delightful, for all that they're steering a tropical cyclone toward the ship's future course. (At least, sparkling for those who spend time on their open-air balconies! In the meantime, the casino in the bowels of the huge ship, and the shopping street, and the multiple grogshops ever so gently accept the players' ship cards, so much less crass than credit cards or, heaven forfend, cash.)

If I had a schooner still, I'd be sailing her on a fast beam reach, leeward rail just above the water, foaming and dancing cleanly through the small waves and not-much-larger swell, full of the joy of life. There is no sailing boat quite like a schooner, and a wind like this, steady, consistent, and just right for a fast passage, is an invitation to #waltz. Alas, I no longer have a fast schooner, though her name persists 30 years on, and she was always too tiny to go to sea in any case. [In Memoriam, Flying Tadpole II]

Music Copyright © 2024 TJ Fatchen All Rights Reserved APRA-AMCOS
#piano samples courtesy Garritan Personal Orchestra
isrc: auney2400407




Absolutely gorgeous piano. I just love this, and I enjoyed reading your Liner Notes, too. Are you the same man who was working on his kitchen remodel a year or two ago? Maybe I'm mis-remembering.
I like the stateliness of this voyage.
Tim, this is such a beautiful piece. The melodies, for me, evoke a sense of happiness for everything that I've been able to do in my life as well as a sense of sadness that certain times are over. It's mixed emotions but gets me thinking while actively listening. It's so enjoyable, you did great on this.
You evoke, longing, wistfulness, and freedom with this. The dancing on top of a study gentle lower rhythm makes me feel like I’m out there on the waves.
Such a gentle dance, I can almost feel the wind in my hair. It's quite delightful.
these melodies have an irish feel to them. light and impossible not to dance to. and your liner notes almost make me like the idea of being blown through the sea on a schooner instead of gambling in the bowels of a cruise ship. i have been loving both the music and narratives in this series.