Welcome to the Good Place!

by @dr_griff

Welcome to the Good Place!

Liner Notes

We're binge-watching The Good Place and I wanted to write a funny song. MASSIVE SPOILERS for Season 1. Otherwise you should be good to listen :)

#thegoodplace #humor #silly #funny


(Capo 2)

Verse 1
Eleanor? Come on in.
I must inform you that you are dead.
But now you’re in the Good Place!
Don’t let it go to your head.
You’ll have a soulmate who will drive you mad
With attention, affection, and love
A house and a perfect afterlife
This’ll fit you like a glove.

Chorus 1
It’s just that everyone here is better than you
And you’re selfish; that’s how you’ll know
That you don’t really belong here
That’s the torture you’ll undergo.

Verse 2
Chidi? Come on in.
I must tell you of your demise.
But now you’re in the Good Place
With a bunch of other real good guys
You’ll make decisions every day
Little ones and big ones too
And of course you’ll get to worry about
Which decisions will work for you.

Chorus 2
We won’t mention your indecisiveness
Or how everybody hates your guts
You’ll be saddled with people’s secrets
And that torture will drive you nuts.

Verse 3
Tahani? Come on in.
You’ve arrived here D.O.A.
But now you’re in the Good Place!
And you’ll be here every day.
You’ll throw all the best parties
And you’ll be the most in of the in,
And your sister won’t be around to be
The person you’ve never been.

Chorus 3
We won’t mention your insecurity
Or your self-centered striving for praise
You’re surrounded by obvious losers
And that torture will last for days
(and weeks, and months, and years)
You’re surrounded by obvious losers
And that torture will last for days.

Verse 4
Jiyanu? Come on in
You’re no longer among the alive.
But now you’re in the Good Place!
We’re so glad to see you arrive.
Your soulmate will long for a loving word
Or to see a loving look
But your vow of silence still holds here
And besides, you’re really a crook

Chorus 4
We won’t mention your Molotov cocktails
Or the stupid way you died
You know that you don’t belong here
And that torture runs far and wide

So welcome to the friendliest neighborhood
The Good Place has ever seen
This time around we’re serving shrimp
At every food canteen

So welcome to Neighborhood one two three
Five eight double-you
We’re on the five-hundred sixty-third reboot
And we’re here to torture you

So have a great time here in the Good Place
Don’t bother thinking at all
‘Cause if we have to reboot this even one more time
Shawn will kill us all!


This is some good shirt. ;) It's clap-along catchy and fits a lot of story in while feeling completely natural. The parallel verse and chorus for each character is a smart choice of structure.
Lol! I love that series and really enjoyed this recap on the characters in the show.
I enjoyed that show so much, and now there's a great song to go with it! Yay! So much fun. You got all the characters exactly right. Were they really on the 563rd reboot? I didn't remember that. Love the detail. Very, very good. Next we need a whole song dedicated to Janet and Michael.
That was a blast to listen to - was a big fan of the show, and this brought it all back.
Wonderfully put together.
I've never seen the show but the guitar playing and vocal delivery is very nice. It's really fun, nicely done!
"Oh, fork that's good!"

Lol, toe-tapping excellence in write and song here! Dig the guitar play and the theme rhythm you chose for it. So in the style and vein of "The Good Place" humor, this lyric rocks like the living dead. Good work, man! Here's to true TV show observation turned into great, fun song!