Omus the Excellence

by @charlie_leemburg

Skirmish: Horror (@atornberg)

Liner Notes

Little ditty that is hopefully horror enough


My silence will break this pact
The horror, the horror


Deep, dark, deliciously creepy… and the vocals and growls on top of that great horror track are chilling! You nailed it! I like the frenzy movement near the end..
scary but also extremely danceable! I'm groovin over here!
Oh this is excellent! Feels like an 80s horror flick! I love how it builds up. Really nice little keyboard riffs! Great texture. That switch up around 1:40 is fantastic. I love it!
Submit to Rob Zombie for a horror soundtrack! What are you using for editing and sound loops/effects?
Yeah, spooky! Love those clanking sounds and fast heartbeats.
don't listen to this one in the dark! Excellent interpretation of the prompt!