Theme Against the Bed Suits

by @charlie_leemburg

Skirmish: PAJAMAS (@corinnecurcio)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

Never really understood the appeal, even when I was little, but maybe I’m the weird one for sleeping in a sleeping bag


I don’t think I’ve ever considered
People still wear pajamas
If you’re feeling cold just get a blanket
And if your feet are too cold just wear socks
Saves you time getting dressed too
Unless you wanna go to work with your PJ’s on
And a silly little wizard hat

I don’t understand the appeal
To feel like you fell asleep on accident
Maybe if you’re sleeping with guests
But when your only guests are mice
Shouldn’t it suffice to just get the baggage off?
And what’s with the designs
They haven’t got my size
Light blue with white lines
Maybe red with little pink dots
Do you still feel like you’re a child?

Maybe you don’t want people to see you naked
If they’re about to break in
I’m sure that’s the least of your concern
Even then you don’t have to wear
A suit and a teddy bear
They don’t hold meetings in pillow forts


I share the perspective you convey here! Why on earth does anyone need to wear pajamas? You develop the case to go without pajamas well in your fine and a bit quirky lyric! Well done!
You bring up some interesting points and advantages of doing without. The only time I do so is in the summer. The one time I did without benefit of a sheet, a police helicopter flew right by my 14th floor apartment - and then circled around and came back for another look!
Funny that you say "Maybe if you're sleeping with guests" you'd consider possibly wearing them!
"A silly little wizard hat" and "they don't hold meetings in pillow forts" made me laugh out loud! Great lyrics :D
I'm with you there, brother! my contribution to the theme testifies. Some great arguments and lines in this one. 😁😁
Bed suits! Love it. ^_^

I'm a pyjamas-wearer myself, but each to their own.
Some people like them, others don't. I use them when I feel cold and they help me feel cousy, but it's a matter of personal choice and there is not one way for everyone. Cool set of lyrics.
I like this! It has a real charm to it, and you ask some rather important questions. A great take on the skirmish prompt!

See You In The Shadows…