Little Ray of Sunshine

by @headfirstonly Mod

Little Ray of Sunshine

Liner Notes

It's time to plug the Korg M3 into the Eventide H90 and the Chase Bliss Mood Mk 2 and indulge in a spot of #ambient #noodling as I watch the clouds drift by outside the window. Why not just sit back, #relax, and #chillout for five minutes?


Your ambient tracks are always quite the journey. Loving the pensive mood in the intro, and then the feel of opening and soaring that follows. Consonance and dissonance meet and beautifully work together, so that the listener is kept attentive while chilling out.
Twice the length wouldn't be too much.
I appreciate a good ambient track when i hear one like this!
I think i‘ll never check the difference between an synth and a sequencer but thats not necessary to enjoy this music!
Amazing piece of ambient music!

Btw. Do you know Nils Frahm? He is my personal God of ambient!
I'm loving those big round keyboard tones!
And then the keyboard slips off to sleep and enters dreamland.
I'm not sure what it's dreaming about, but it sounds pretty restful.
So lush.
Great in the headphones.
Why not, indeed! I sat back and relaxed, headphones on, and for a few minutes I was able to forget the guys working on fixing our doors.
Lovely sounds, swooshy and spacey yet also somehow pastoral. The low end sounds gave me a pleasant tingle every so often. So nice!
Thanks for the moment of peace.
Very great relaxing song ! First thing that came through my mind are the drone shots in Hellblade 2 with the narration : snowy moutains, green pasture tainted with sands, with a cloudy sky or immaculate blue sky
Ooo. Love this one. I do as you: Looking at the clouds. A travel into dreams and fantasy. With beautiful sounds to get me there. Thx for this one!
Thank you for this! Sunday morning, rain, windy, but this covered it with serenity. You kept the melodyline familiar but not too repetitive, I think that was the trick
It's sunday morning, and thanks for the perfect soundtrack. noodling is the best! Sounds grand - waves of rolling textures washing over like surf. Lovely reverb tails. Awesome!
i am sitting back with my morning coffee, Roddy is in Australia so i don't get my morning music now, Thx Chris for taking over my morning chill! no clouds here today though! This is Chill with a capital C very enjoyable relax - great in the phones, didnt seem like 5 minutes.
Lovely ambient space. It made me want to hear it in the background as I worked.
That eventide is cool! One of my teachers at recording workshop was an eventide enthusiast so I’ve seen one used but haven’t gotten to noodle. Soundscape fits the description I like the melodic motifs and bits of motion throughout. Then the build with an instant of “is that a storm cloud?” Releases into a very ethereal movement. Dig it! Thanks for saying my guitar playing was tasteful…that’s my favorite compliment to get 100% earnest and honestly.
I adore this. The electric piano-like sounds, the lush pads...brilliant.
As I'm listening to this first thing on Saturday morning, I'm hoping that this is how my day will continue to be. So chill and lovely. Well done.
Very chilled. One of those nicely balanced ambient tracks that you can just let wash over you or that rewards you for actually listening more closely. Really nice textures and the repeating melodic motif and occasional swell in the bass to pull your attention back.
Nice. The only problem with the Dungeons (as a place to write and record) is there are no windows to the outside world. I can completely picture just sitting there at the window and noodling. Kudos. Very wide-open. Expanding and wanderlust. Cool. Downloaded!