It's Coffee for Me!

by @berni1954

Skirmish: Brew yourself a cup of… (@skyezor)
It's Coffee for Me!

Liner Notes

Response to the "Brew yourself a cuppa..." Skirmish
Instrument: Flyte Long Necked Concert ukulele
#fuc #ukulele


Intro: (Bb) (C) (F)
(Bb) The day cannot start without it
It's (F) like some essential need
It (C) even takes true preference
(F) Over the desire to feed
You can (Bb) keep your glass of water
Or your (F) nice warm cup of tea
The (C) only thing I need in the morning
Is a (Bb) huge mug (C) of cof(F)fee

(Dm) Without it I'm a zombie
First (C) thing when I awake
(Dm) Drifting through the morning
Like I've (C) still got on the brakes
I ad(Bb)mit I'm a coffee junkie
And I (F) know that I should stop
But at (C) least one thing about my vice
You can (Bb) buy it in the (C) local (F) shop

I tried (Bb) cutting down on my addiction
Through a (F) diet of decaff
But my (C) cravings for that caffeine
Were no (F) matter for a laugh
I (Bb) thought my head would explode
With that (F) withdrawal migraine
So I (C) went back to real coffee
And poured the (Bb) substitute (C) down the (F) drain

So don't (Bb) ask if I can do without it
Do you (F) want me to go mad?
De(C)void of that delightful aroma
My (F) life would be rather sad
So I'm (Bb) going to continue drinking
That (F) nectar of the gods
As for (C) those not into coffee
I (Bb) pity (C) the poor (F) sods


Man I can really relate to this song. Unfortunately with my high blood pressure being the old man that I am I'm doing half calf half a mug of decaf half a mug of caffeinated coffee still get that little kick but got to take care of the ticker. Rock on
Berni, you're singing to the choir! Nice song and truthful, too.
Very well put. I tend to agree.
A lovely and catchy take on the prompt. Lovely to hear your songs again, Berni.
so bouncy and catchy on a topic close to many! really enjoyable
This is the best! I love your progression and the lyric is just perfectly fun and earnest!
really fun little piece ! very relatable too
don't drink the stuff - don't even like the aroma - like this though
Perfect ode to coffee and our dependence on our caffeine friend! - the mectar of the gods, indeed! You capture it well! Those decaf headaches are always a rude awakening! Love the catchy upbeat feel and all of the relatable perspectives!
This is great! (I like coffee but sadly it doesn't like me...) Tapping my toes along. Great lyrics and catchy tune – clearly you've had your morning cuppa already!
Time for me to make another pot I think. I have a packet of decaf in the cupboard, and I've no idea why. It's been there ages and will probably never be used. Anyway, that was fun, and I endorse this message.
I can relate
Lots of good rhyming for a sentiment that I’m sure half of listeners will relate to.
Amazing! More than one “Don’t even talk to me before I‘ve had coffee” grumpy morning head will relate 😂