Der Geist unterm Sofa (Lied für meine Katze)/The ghost under the sofa (song for my cat)

by @ttg105 · @mahtowin

Liner Notes

#cats #gloom

Lyrics/vocals by Mahtowin, who always comes up with beautiful words and vocal tapestries for our songs. I like the contrast between the gloomy music and the subject matter (although cats CAN be spooky).

Music: This started out as an acoustic piece. Then I thought I'd try it on the bass, and the rest sprung from there.

Lyric background: A -first-song about my cat! 😃
She moved in on Wednesday and was brought by her foster mother. With her she was 10 months before she lived wild!
She is not amused by the move! Landed in paradise and doesn't really appreciate it (yet). She basically spent the last two days under the sofa being angry and afraid … poor thing!

Translation below.


Alles ist anders!
Nichts ist, wie es war!
Unvertraut noch -
nicht zu Haus!
Alles ist neu!

Alles ist anders!
Nur ich bin noch da!
Unbekannt noch -
Nicht zu Haus!
Alles ist neu!

Alles ist anders!
Noch kenn ich Dich nicht!
Unberührt noch -
Nicht zu Haus!
Alles ist neu!

Alles ist anders!
Alles ist neu!
Der Geist unterm Sofa
ist ängstlich und scheu!
Das wird wohl noch dauern!
Du brauchst Deine Zeit!
Doch irgendwann dann,
bist Du bereit!
Bist Du bereit!

Mein Geist unterm Sofa
hat Pfoten und Fell
Und ist ziemlich sauer
auf mich und die Welt!


The ghost under the sofa (song for my cat)

Everything is different!
Nothing is as it was!
Still unfamiliar -
not at home!
Everything is new!

Everything is different!
Only I'm still here!
Still unknown -
Not at home!
Everything is new!

Everything is different!
I don't know you yet!
Still untouched -
Not at home!
Everything is new!

Everything is different!
Everything is new!
The ghost under the sofa
is afraid and shy!
That will probably take a while!
You need your time!
But at some point,
Are you ready!
Are you ready!

My ghost under the sofa
has paws and fur
And is pretty angry
on me and the world!


Our anxiety rescue cat was just like this! Even though she had never been feral. Well done getting inside that mind.
I like this. Does your cat have that habit of sitting and staring unaccountably at a seemingly empty part of the room for way longer than makes sense? This song is what I imagine they would sing if they were able to explan what they were doing.
Oh yeah, I'm just loving this. The vibe, the vocal performance, the lovely mood you've both created. Yeah, this is just sweet! Awesome track 😄

See You In The Shadows…
very good lyric and that back beat is terrific! Haunting vox so ghost is very appropriate! You two have unique styles and together its especially unique! love it
i like how the word ghost is witheld until the last verse. Until then, we see a frightened cat, but with the final verse, there is a chilling transformation. the music is insistant and the vocals are right there on the edge, wondering how to deal with a wild cat who doesnt understand the concept of domestication.
Music ghosty for sure. Beautiful balance between fear, confusion and anger.
Schönes Lied über deine Katze. Ich hoffe, er hat sich inzwischen an seine neue Umgebung gewöhnt. In der letzten Zeile fehlt ein Buchstabe im Text.
The lyrics (which I read in translation, so thanks for providing that) are so humorous and deft, and the vocal performance perfectly droll. The last stanza captures cats so well! And I like the slow-burn, understated music and rhythm, keeping things moving forward with attitude and mystery. Such a gripping track!