Dressed to Kill

by @berni1954

Dressed to Kill

Liner Notes

Written for the #movietitle Challenge
#fuc #concertukulele


(D) She was dressed to kill, but murder was far from her mind
(G) Nor was she thinking of the trail of men she'd left be(D)hind
She (Bm) stood there in her glory only for herself
Dis(A)missing mother's fears she was left on the shelf
She was (D) dressed to kill, but (A) murder was far from her (D) mind

(E) Dress for yourself not for anyone's eyes
(D) Even if your clothes would win no fashion prize
(E) Follow a trend if it makes you feel good
(A) Never wear something others think you should!

(D) She was dressed to kill, but she had no intention of that
No (G) high heeled stilettos, no Oddjob's deadly (D) hat
She planned to (Bm) live for today, enjoying her life
Had (A) no further plans to be anyone's wife
She was (D) dressed to kill, but she (A) had no intention of (D) that


She was (D) dressed to kill, but she would have hated that phrase
She didn't (G) care for flatterers with their empty (D) praise
If when she (Bm) looked in the mirror it caused her to smile
Then she (A) knew that she'd keep it for a good long while
She was (D) dressed to kill, but she (A) would have hated that (D) phrase



Brilliant! Far too many people have been socialized to dress for others in clothes that certainly do not make them smile. Great twist on the title.
Fun character study in song form! I like the bright uke tone here. The Oddjob reference is delightful.
dressed to suit herself - good one Berni
good to hear you again! the storyteller returns! nice play around the theme - very catchy and easy to listen to!
This is tight. Multiple themes circling around a play on words. Touching on so many aspects of the title phrase without missing a beat .And beyond all that, simply loads of fun to listen to.
Ha! Great play on words and wonderful delivery! Wonderful message!
Ha! So cute! Nice delivery. Challenge well done!