What she sees on Patrol

by @berni1954

Skirmish: Totally Titular! (Please ... (@robinleaf)
What she sees on Patrol

Liner Notes

#fuc Concert Ukulele Low Go (Flight Long Neck)


Intro: (D) (G) (NC)
(G) Hustlers on street corners, gangs looking for a fight
It's (C) like the same day is repeated every night
(Bm) Sometimes she feels we have all lost con(D)trol
That's what PC Linda Watkins sees out on pat(G)rol

(G) Soup kitchens springing up outside every church
(C) People who society has left truly in the lurch
(Bm) Hundreds of homeless sleeping in bed(D)rolls
That's what PC Linda Watkins sees out on pat(G)rol

It's (Bm) not much better on the daylight streets
(Em) Hordes searching bins for something to eat
(Bm) Moving on beggars really hurts her soul
But (D) that's what PC Linda Watkins sees out on pat(G)rol

(G) Drunken louts staggering through the town
If they (C) fall in the canal they will surely drown
A(Bm)bandoned pets tied up to some (D) pole
That's what PC Linda Watkins sees out on pat(G)rol

It's not (Bm) getting any better, in fact it's got worse
This (Em) job she once loved is now just a curse
Each (Bm) day she feels she's digging a deeper (D) hole
But that's what PC Linda Watkins feels out on pat(G)rol
Yes, that's what PC LInda Watkins feels out on pat(G)rol


No canal here but my nephew who often walks late at night sees a lot of this too. The abandon pets tied up to a pole - that line will haunt me.
It is indeed! Ray Davies rises again! This is so kinks lyrically and possibly even musically! I really like this!
Is Linda Watkins a real person or a tv character or made up for the song. Actually very clever to have the song from the perspective of a 3rd person like this!
Love this is so many ways. I think this is my favorite song of all the ones I've heard from you (and that's a lot!). Great lyrics, love the vibe, and your vocals and instrument are very crisp. Tremendous job.
Great, descriptive story! I love the character. You really did something clever with this prompt. The contrast between the upbeat music and the serious lyrics is nice. Thanks for doing my skirmish!
yep - that job would get you down - good write Berni
Vivid descriptive images that I can clearly see and that invite one to think more deeply about how we see, engage with, and help one another in our communities. Wonderfully upbeat delivery for complex topic and social commentary. It also is an insightful list song. Brilliant!
Great story telling through your song
Love the sound of that uke. Great storytelling in the lyric married to a really catchy tune.
This is a very moving lyric that reflects on some of the societal issues many of us know exist but often turn and look the other way on. Very nicely done.
What a great idea and all the wonderful details! Such a great story and song!
I'm glad I don't frequent the same streets as PC Watkins, but I certainly enjoyed the story and the bounce of your song.
I love how fully you managed to flesh out this character just by talking about what she sees at her job—masterfully done!
The literary touches land well and only support the social protest angle. Feels fresh and current.
Head bobber. Very cool dude!