Voyage 1: Sunset Cast-off

by @timfatchen Mod

Liner Notes

VOYAGE 1: Sunset Cast-off
#honolulu harbour, leaning on the balcony rail of the #cruiseship about to cast off, looking at the October tropical sunset behind the naval yards and Pearl Harbor and the volcanic rim. Despite the Mickey Mouse cruiser in a nearby dock, over by the startlingly illuminated tower and ship-berth, and despite being on the edge of a city, it's peaceful and quiet. Other passengers all seem absent: feeding at The Trough perhaps, or lined up for a show, or hitting the casino early, anything to stave off the terrible boredom they might experience on the about-to-start 18-night voyage south across the Pacific to another hemisphere. The big--indeed gross--ship casts off, moves without noise, without vibration, without horn fanfare, without tugs, into the swinging basin; turns; out to sea through the seawalls on the reef. Further out, other cruise ships listlessly keep their steerage way in the deep, deep waters of the sea-mount's slopes, waiting for a berth to come vacant. And so we start. It's six nights of empty ocean to Tahiti.
#neoclassical #solopiano #cruising #quiet

Music Copyright © 2024 TJ Fatchen All Rights Reserved APRA-AMCOS
Piano sample courtesy Garritan Personal Orchestra

[Context: in October 2023 Deborah and I grabbed a package--air to #hawaii, four free days there, 18 nights return by relocating cruise ship via Tahiti, Moorea, Raiatea then bad weather to Brisbane Australia. The air trip was a nightmare. We were in Hawaii to see it and see it we did. The cruise was trepidation to begin with: floating condominium with up to 5000 (!) passenger--for us, whose largest prior cruising had been in a 600-passenger ship! What on earth would it be like in a Force 10 gale?? (we found out BTW). But we avoided the fleshpot aspects and enjoyed the food, the service and the ocean. And created more music of which this ISN'T one!.]




Awesome, I need to listen to more of your voyage after hearing this majestic piano piece!
Sunset Cast Off indeed. Beautiful piano piece. The linear notes were a pleasant read and set me up for the piano work to come. Well done.
Really beautiful music that captures the lovely images you outlined in the liner notes. I feel calm and good!
Interesting backstory to a calming piano that brings on images of calm sunset-lit seas.
This is simply breathtaking, Tim. Like the perfect mix of Chopin and George Winston. So evocative and a great backstory.
Gorgeous and I enjoyed your accompanying text.
I thought a cruise would be my idea of hell, but I was finally persuaded to take one (Venice to Greek Islands and back via Dubrovnik). It was surprisingly enjoyable mainly due to the efficiency shown in feeding, entertaining and keeping happy a few thousand people of many nationalities.
I can listen to you playing this kind of thing all day. This is just so relaxing and beautiful.
yeah oh peace of the sea and sunsets, lovely piece Tim to listen on the phones coffee in hand!
This is so peaceful and relaxing. I can imagine beautiful views. But my views aren’t of empty ocean as far as the eyes can see. Honestly that just freaks me. 😀 I prefer to image a view of fluffy clouds just sitting up in the shy like pillows waiting for me to decide what each one looks like.
This is such a lovely peaceful piano piece that evokes a quiet beauty for me.. and then I read your liner notes… OMG! I am glad you found these little escapes from the craziness of such a mega cruise!
both the music and liner notes evoked memories of my own cruise ship experience , traveing from florida to peru. your music captures the beauty of the sea and sunsets, and the liner notes communicate the anxiety before embarking on the 16 day crossing. my trip was more pleasant as we were never at sea for more than two days. with landings at several ports to break up the voyage.
Powerful liner notes and beautiful composition. Soothing and peaceful.
Liner notes tell a story of its own!

I can feel the calmness that surounded you on the ocean … sounds dreamy and gentle.
Very nice and beautiful!
Very soothjing and majestic. I like the story in the liner notes too. Really melodic motifs that suggest the ripples of waves.