A Simple Line

by @kwillsen · @paul_pedersen

A Simple Line
kwillsen +1

Liner Notes

We've all experienced the dread of a blank page. Whether we're creating visual art or a song, getting started is often the toughest part. Kell has captured that feeling in the lyrics.

The musical version has slight changes in the lyrics to accommodate the audio, but Kell's message remains intact.



A blank, imposing canvas freezes solid many hearts
Afraid to make a mark
Afraid it won't be Art.
A blinking, urgent cursor stops so many in their tracks
The siren lure of back-space calls us all.

The key to making any art
...is to start

Take a line, a simple line,
And let it lead you anywhere it will
Because in time, a simple line
Can grow to something greater, and greater still
A simple line

The studio is ready, all the software's up-to-date
The instruments sound great
There's no more need to wait.
You hover on “record”, and all at once you start to shake
Impossible to make a single sound.

The key to writing anything
...is: Begin.

Take a line, a simple line,
And let it lead you anywhere it will
Because in time, a simple line
Can grow to something greater, and greater still
A simple line

A simple line

A simple line


John Williams once said "You can't always wait for inspiration. You just have to get to it and write it." or something like that.
What a delightful song. The lyrics really present the artist's fear of failure and trepidation. We've all been there. I love the line "The siren lure of the back-space calls us all". Ain't it the truth!
What an appropriate song for early in 50/90! Right on and well presented.
"The key to making any art
...is to start" Love this line, so true!
YEP! You got it all here. Great collab. :)
Beautiful lyrics, music, singing and playing. Very good collaboration. Very meaningful, melodious and wonderful to listen to.
Such truisms are contained within this wonderful collaboration...I may very well keep it to hand for if and when the muse ever drifts over the horizon, to get the juices flowing again...thank you both!
What a wonderfully relatable lyric! The words take us on a journey that is so familiar and the lovely melody and vocal delivery feels so understanding and encouraging that it makes me want to break out my sketch pad and charcoal pencils and start drawing again! Love everything about this song!
Excellent advice for those with performance anxiety. I love the development of the melody and the simplicity of the lyric.
Nice job both of you! I really like the subject matter of the song and the pre-chorus sums it up so well. 🙌🏻
Very nice collaboration, you two. Always love Paul's vocal interpretations and these lyrics are very meaningful to us all. Great work!
Ah, thanks for the positive feedback, Kell. The mp3 and PDF of the lyric/chord sheet have been emailed to you.
I love what you've done with this, Paul!
Hi Kell. Your lyrics are giving me some musical ideas that I wouldn't mind exploring if you're open to it.