The Journey Of Discovery

by @dragondreams

Liner Notes

#instrumental #groovewithoutgrooving
Music and image by DD.

I mentioned this idea of grooving without a groove as a bass player during @robynmackenzie's Bandcamp listening party last week. As a musician who is primarily a bass player, the idea of being "in the pocket" has become quite firmly ingrained during my half century of playing. As a composer, it helps to break the mould now and then. So, since FAWM this year, during my practise sessions, I've been working on bass lines that don't sit quite so much on the beat. And this is the result.


Gosh, that's a pleasant little turn that it takes at around 2:16. I think it was during this year's FAWM that I said that one of your songs reminded me of the opening theme from an anime series from the '90s, and this strikes me much the same way... as if the music changes a little bit as each character is shown on-screen, to capture a bit of their personality.

I guess what I'm saying is that when I finally come up with my idea for an animated series, you're on the short list for composers lol.
You've managed to incorporate your intentions without ramming down the listeners throat. I thought maybe this is going to be 'really' off beat to prove a point, but actually it just works its magic without making a fuss about it. The bass is of course perfectly on point. Like the plucked strings at the start, kind of reminds me of some music over a spring scene as nature emerges.
Nice, soft production here. I like all of the sounds to include the bass. Great sound!
whoa this sounds awesome!! Love the description and your execution of playing bass freely. I like it a lot!