Bury a Potato

by @cblack

Bury a Potato

Liner Notes

I wanted to make a drum track for the first fruits thing. Basically, the first song of the season is dedicated to a spirituality. I'm pagan of some ilk, and the idea of a drum circle made sense to me. Of course, this is just me on my e-drums, not a full circle, but the vibe is there. I then added some strings on my keyboard, plus a few words from our sponsor. Overall, I'm pretty happy with this. Not bad for an hour and a quarter!

First time recording my e-drums since upgrading my kit. Damn, I love this thing...

Happy 50/90 everybody! :D

Oh. The title. As I was preparing to move on from the keys section, and into the vocals, I thought to myself: "I'll post it anyway, even if it's not perfect. Warts and all." Then I recalled the classic spell, as referenced in Buffy and various other places, that you can cure warts by burying a potato.


Not to worry about warts. I'm a warthog from way back and some of the wartiest FAWM presentations ended up gig openers (but I was young then...sob...) Okay: the drum sequences come across as very summoning/pagan, and the slow strings at a good chill counterpoint.
Interesting concept and fascinating contrasting parts. Interesting potato you are growing here :)
yes it has a real native feel to this particularly the drums, got me thinking how all the old native music has very similar roots! Nice over synth! Nice one!
The drums certainly have that primal, drum circle feel & tone to them. The vocal kind of surprised me at first, but it fits really well, especially the way you've juxtaposed it with the strings. Very cool!

See You In The Shadows…
I love the rawness and spontaneousness of this piece. I was drawn here by the title. Years ago, I had warts on my right hand. And old Italian guy that I was sitting next to a bus saw my hand and told me to do this thing. I did, and damn if it didn't work. They never came back.
I love the raw energy of this! It takes you on a cool journey as it builds and gets more and more ominous as it progresses which I enjoyed. Really cool listen!
Those vocals were sinister and unexpected! Eerie stuff. I liked the strings layered in.
Ha i was just listen to the potato song...as @thetau is has that Native American drum sound...super cool. very spooky synth.
1950 American Indian beat is not subtle in the beginning, but the "change" through to the end gives away the buried potato. You can't just bury a potato without expecting it to grow back as a beautiful green plant, and lots of little potatoes. But then maybe that's the reason for burying it in the first place.
Really interesting contrasts here: the tribal drums and the dark wisphering voice and on the other hand the light keyboard sound!
Good choice- really enjoyed listening!