The Pragmatist

by @ttg105

Liner Notes

#farfisa #surrealadelica

A friend gave me a very generous gift: a genuine 1968 Farfisa Mini Deluxe Compact organ. This vintage monster weighs a ton and has tubes, fuses, switches, capacitors, knee pedals, etc. Expect to hear a lot of it this 50/90!


The day it rained coffee
you dipped yourself in milk and sugar
and made a hat out of crumb cake
(coffee rain and coffee cake)

The night the moon fell out of the sky
you erected a giant spotlight
and when all the houses turned into blocks of cheese
you built walls out of crackers

When the mailboxes turned into trees
you said, "It's mostly junk mail anyway"
and when the sky turned itself inside out
and only outer space was visible
you bought everyone telescopes

And when the giant asteroid
came to destroy the Earth
and whoosh us into the black eternal void
you said "Everyone, bend over
and kiss your ass goodbye"


Groovy goats get great notes when groovin in green boats to The Pragmatist. Gracias!
Hilarious Lyrics, I dig this. Great stuff
Wow, that's quite a gift!!!
I need to see a picture of it!!
Great Drone you get going here.
I like the stacked vox.
I always love your surreal lyrics.
Love the Farfisa.
Something must be in the water this summer. I'm in good company with post-apocalyptic settings.
I like 'you' in this one a lot. Very thoughtful and yet direct.
Cool organ! Seems like a perfect addition for you, and it works well with your vocals. I love all the scenes you paint here - wish there was a claymation film to bring it to life!
Your imagery is always so evocative, and you've hit the ground running this year; for some reason, the second verse in particular really just struck me. The stately-but-strange atmosphere is utterly compelling, and the song is like a wonderfully phantasmagoric trip to an alluringly dangerous world.
That’s a cool gift, sounds great! Scene set in ttg style with that first verse! Ha ha and way to end!
So good to hear you again! Will be expecting a video of that monster - lol!
The weird echoed vocals really work well with the surreal lyrics, it's kinda creepy in a way with the organ. In a good way of course.
Great ice cream organ sound! Really good idea to use only the Farfisa here!
Fantastic surreal lyrics as always! I especially love the first verse!
Awesome opener for sure!
love that farfisa and look forward to hearing more of it. you do a brilliant job of alluding to the indifference some people have to catastrophic events. some of my favorite permutations of imagery here.