Farewell to Malachy

by @dragondreams

Liner Notes

#flute #reverb #improvisation #onetake

The picture is the last ever photo taken of my dad, Malcolm, while he was still alive. I took it only four weeks before he died on 8 June this year. He's sitting with my beloved canine, Vinnie, in a friend's garden. He and Vinnie had a very special bond, and I love this photo.
Dad was half Irish and proud of his heritage. Malcolm was known as Malachy to the Irish side of the family.
This farewell to dad was requested by my sister. It's a rough and ready improv with a flute and the Stargazer reverb VST.
Slán Go Fóill, dad.


I think this is 'necessarily' sombre and reflective, the whole song just breathes and hangs in the air. It is a fitting piece of music to remember your dad by
This is lovely, Paul. My condolences on your loss.
My condolences. 🥺 A beautiful piece. What's more Irish than a flute? Fascinating, how the reverb builds up into a sound of its own.
Beautiful. I have a phot like this of my dad as well. Almost holds some mystical quality to me…love and good vibes to you and yours, hopefully our dads are kicking it listening to our music at that record shop in the beyond. Happy to hear your beautiful music again.
you breath a lot of life into that flute. i had a dog of this breed. or should i ay he once had me. he was the leader of a gang of street dogs and he adopted me, sat outside my door and followed me wherever i went.....sometimes as many as a dozen dogs would follow behind.
As @ductapeguy said, you really evoked the Hinterland Who's Who here, completely unintentionally; but that theme was intended to give a sense of space and wonder, as indeed this piece does. Sorry for your loss, and a lovely tribute to your father.
In Canada we had a long running series of 60 minute Nature shorts called Hinterland Who's Who which had a similar, evocative recorder theme. Thanks for reminding me of them. https://www.hww.ca/en/index.html
This is a beautiful piece! I wanted more when it stopped…
Your improv captures the sense of longing as well as saying goodbye. Sorry for your loss.
I'm sorry to hear about your dad. My dad also died a few months ago: hard times. The song is great and touches me.
So poignant and evocative. A moving and heartfelt farewell to your dad.
Beautiful use of reverb to make it reach out into the distance. Both time and space.