My World Is on Fire

by @charlie_leemburg

Liner Notes

This song is for the #commentsfirst challenge. It was based off the first 6 comments

Right so, here I go
Let's start with the lyrics, now what do I know about the lyrics

"I loved these lyrics! But then, everybody loves chocolate, right?"
So clearly there's something with chocolate, themed around chocolate, maybe?
But I've already written a song called chocolate so let's just add some references to it

"Ah, how not to like a song with a bassoon solo?!? Definitely my favorite instrument, it's so beautiful. And a lovely song overall, that chorus had me moving my body!"
"Excellent choice of placing that horn solo right after the 1st chorus."
Clearly there are at least 2 choruses, it's dancable

"Wow! Impressing how you nailed those high notes! Showing your full vocal range! Really enjoyed this!"
I would interpret this as like one section with high notes, something like I did for my song "Touch Me"
And bold statement, I can barely sing

Musically speaking
"I love the interplay between the bassoon and French horn!"
Well, that's two instruments to use. I don't own them but I do most things digitally so it's fine

"Excellent choice of placing that horn solo right after the 1st chorus."
"Ah, how not to like a song with a bassoon solo?!? Definitely my favorite instrument, it's so beautiful. And a lovely song overall, that chorus had me moving my body!"
So they both have a solo, maybe even three solos, yeah let's go with that
And there should be some element of beautifulness to it, which is subjective so, the instruments should probably be softer, no harsh synth

"how on earth you manage to seamlessly change the drum beat so many times is beyond me!"
So the drums should frequently change, probably subtly

#electronic #singersongwriter


If you see this world in another light
Will you tell me how many shades of green?
Am I hiding something?
Or have I hidden it from me
You see my world's a box of chocolates
That I don't wanna eat
And my history is written
On candles I burn for light

Fire, fire
My world is on fire
Desire, desire
A life long desire of mine
Fire, fire
My world is on fire
Desire, desire
A life long desire of mine

And as I wake up from a daze
By splashing water in my face
I find the razor stuck in my chin
As you walk in on my trembling body
You melt my box of chocolates away
No words exchanged
Just that look on your face
That is all you had to say

Fire, fire
My world is on fire
Desire, desire
A life long desire of mine
Fire, fire
My world is on fire
Desire, desire
A life long desire of mine

This is a world I never wanted
This is reality, this is insanity
How could I have guessed this turn of events?

Give me some time to waste it
I believed in what you said
But now that I regret
My life's events
I hold on dearly as things melt
While I hold them in my hand

Fire, fire
My world is on fire
Desire, desire
A life long desire of mine
Fire, fire
My world is on fire
Desire, desire
A life long desire of mine


Good groove. The horn and bassoon work surprisingly well in this.
How much fun this must have been. Very well done for this challenge, great job!
That's a solid bassoon solo, beautiful! Great take on the challenge, what a fun song!
Totally dig this. Danceable is the word that comes to mind. VERY danceable and fun to get into!
To listen was a joyride for me!
And hearing how you managed to sing in falsetto is really good! You should do this more often!
I loved these lyrics! But then, everybody loves chocolate, right?
Wow! Impressing how you nailed those high notes! Showing your full vocal range! Really enjoyed this!
Excellent choice of placing that horn solo right after the 1st chorus.
I love the interplay between the bassoon and French horn!
how on earth you manage to seamlessly change the drum beat so many times is beyond me!
Ah, how not to like a song with a bassoon solo?!? Definitely my favorite instrument, it's so beautiful. And a lovely song overall, that chorus had me moving my body!