






2024 Greetings FAWMers I am SO HAPPY to be here, eighth FAWM- 16,17,20,21,16, 8, 17 songs

2023 I was in the recording studio a lot with a producer I love working with, and working on my DIY home studio, got it set up with sound treatment and starting to get braver recording live vocals and instruments. I played music live with musicians more in 2023 and plan on doing as much of that this year as I can!

I live in Phoenix Arizona, I have a busy pottery school and studio here going since pre-1999 and a whole lot of instruments some of which I actually play. Mainly but not limited to guitar, uke, piano, banjo and some drums. I have lots of instruments and percussion stuff and gear up the yinyang. Pro Tools Certified, been learning to record and mix. I have an AAS in Audio Engineering. Starting to get into some electronic music creation may have some fun with that this year. FAWM ON!!

#folk #girlwithguitar #girlwithukulele #girlwithpiano #



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