Dein Kreuz hat einen Haken / Your vote has a catch
Liner Notes
Yesterday's election here in Germany went as badly as the prospective surveys suggested. We will now have a narcissist chancellor who will not hesitate to join forces with the Nazi party (which also achieved substantial gains) if it supports his objectives.
The only good outcome of this disaster is that the progressive factions in the country have become more aware of each other. There is a theory which says that the current conservative and fascist upheavals in the world are nothing but the last surge of neo-liberalism and the patriarchy before both become finally obsolete. I hope and pray that this is true!
Thank you, dear @sentense, for fuelling your own determination to resist and make a stand into your wonderful #cajon playing!
Unfortunately, the word play in this song gets lost in translation. I have tried to explain it. If you still have questions, just ask.
#singersongwriter #german #withtranslation #protest #political
Dein Kreuz hat einen Haken
Dein Kreuz hat einen Haken,
du hast dich verwählt.
Leider wollen es die Regeln,
dass auch deine Stimme zählt.
Dabei willst du keine Vielfalt
und auch keine freie Wahl.
Du bist nationalistisch,
aber keineswegs sozial.
Du und deinesgleichen werden
von Blendwerk eingelullt.
Wer dir fremd ist, soll verschwinden,
wer verarmt, ist selber schuld.
Du schimpfst über „die da oben“,
während du nach unten trittst
und nicht merkst, dass du auch selbst
schon immer ganz weit unten sitzt.
Ja, dein Kreuz hat einen Haken,
du hast dich verwählt,
und die Demokratie damit verwundet und gequält.
Du sagst. du hattest deine Gründe,
doch die sind nicht relevant,
denn wer Nazis wählt, ist Nazi,
das ist doch altbekannt.
Aus blinder Wut zu handeln,
zahlt sich niemals aus.
Die Suppe, die Ihr kochtet,
löffeln wir nun alle aus.
Mit eurem Egoismus
befass’ ich mich nicht mehr.
Aber gegen eure Taten,
da setz’ ich mich zu Wehr.
Und das tu’ ich nicht alleine,
wir sind viele, wir sind hier!
Wir sind bunter, wir sind stärker,
wir sind standhafter als Ihr!
Euer Kreuz hat einen Haken,
Ihr habe euch verwählt.
doch die Demokratie ist es, die am Ende zählt ...
Your vote has a catch ( = your cross has a hook; like the swastika)
you have voted the wrong way (= dialled the wrong number).
Unfortunately, the rules say
that your vote counts too.
But you want neither diversity
nor free choice.
You are a nationalist,
but by no means a socialist.
You and your ilk
are lulled into a daze.
Those who are foreign should disappear,
those who are impoverished have only themselves to blame.
You rant about "those at the top",
while you kick downwards
and you don't realise that you yourself
have always been far down at the bottom.
Yes, your cross has a catch,
you have voted the wrong way,
and you did wound and torture democracy in the process.
You say you had your reasons,
but they are not relevant,
because whoever votes for Nazis is a Nazi,
that's a well-known fact.
Acting out of blind rage
never pays off.
The soup you have cooked,
we will all have to spoon up now.
I am no longer occupied
with your selfishness.
But I am going to fight back,
against your actions.
And I won't do it alone,
we are many, we are here!
We are more colourful, we are stronger,
we are more steadfast than you!
Your cross has a catch,
You have voted the wrong way.
But it is democracy that counts in the end ...
© Karan 2025
Absolutely banging song. Great lyrics. There seem to be a large number of Germans doing FAWM and I am loving it.
Comparing the translation to the original has reminded me that German really is a great language. It offers so many great chances for word play with the compound words and verbs etc. a single word in German often needs a whole sentence in English!
This is a great protest songs and we need those, in any language. Maybe I should write one in Dutch.