They're Everywhere

by @danxduran

Liner Notes

We're getting into the dregs of ideas now... I came across the backing track for this the other day having completely forgotten when or why I made it. So banged out some words and melodies, accidentally mixed it down in mono... Whoops. Anyway, it's probably not a keeper, so I'm not redoing it 😂

Guitars: Knockoff Les Paul through STL Tonehub
Bass: Kontakt Prime bass
Synths: UAD Minimoog, Solina Strings
#punk #grunge #rock


our enemies are here, our enemies are there
they're everywhere
we might have all the guns, but they have megatons
they're everywhere
our enemies are here, our enemies are there
they're everywhere
we might have all the brains, but they've got the mainframes
they're everywhere
we have to run away, everywhere
i said we have to run away, everywhere
can't we run away? NO!
our enemies are here, our enemies are there
they're everywhere
we might be in the right, but i really don't want to fight
they're everywhere
we have to run away, everywhere
i said we have to run away, everywhere
have to run away, have to run away
run away, run away
run away
we have to run away, everywhere
i said we have to run away, everywhere
can't we run away? NO!


Loving the energy in this one. The vocals are great, and I like the rhythmic change between verse and chorus. And Brian Wilson liked to mix the Beach Boys in mono, so no apologies!