Should've Seen It Coming

by @carleybaer

Should've Seen It Coming

Liner Notes


This is where my head is at. I would've done more with the production but imagine lots of backup vocals for now, and maybe I'll add them later.


It shouldn’t come to this
But here it comes
The fires are burning in the hills
And you can hear the drums
It shouldn’t come to this
But I don’t know
We should’ve seen it coming
A while ago

We should’ve seen it coming

You take some things for granted
Just because
The way it’s told, that’s how
It always was
But life is just a movie franchise now
A good and evil tug of war
But anyhow

We should’ve seen it coming

Plenty of canaries
But we didn’t heed the song
We thought we’d seen it all
So what else could go wrong
But turns out something bigger
Was brewing all along
We should’ve seen it coming

Our better natures’ angels
Do their best
But it feels like every day’s
Another test
In retrospect I suppose we might’ve guessed
Can’t let go the wheel and just let heaven do the rest

We should’ve seen it coming


This is a great wake-up song. The mood of the melody and the reluctant march of the beat tell the story so well.
Great song--start to finish. Might be my favorite of yours, actually. The falling notes are just great--but it seems to cut off at the end? (for me)
Really enjoy the feeling of this and it certainly fits our times. The chorus is great and there are some great images-plenty of canaries esp. This last stanza is awesome!
Love love love the one line chorus. This is such a vibe - beautifully written and sung you can almost not feel sad when hearing the lyrics. Agree with Dave about the Aimee Mann vibes (now im gonna listen to Forth of July cos I’ve not heard that in years).
I know this won’t be your last this month, but it sounds like an album closer. Sad but also very beautiful. I’m getting nice Aimee Mann vibes. Love the lofi drums contrasting with the clarity in the vocal. Some great lines, I really like ‘Can’t let go of the wheel and let heaven do the rest’. And who doesn’t love a fade out…….