Prayer About You

by @brisk

Liner Notes

I've just dashed this off after uploading the last one. It's very basic, but I've tried to make up for the simplicity with layering heaps of strings, choirs, and kitchen sinks in there. I was going to do more, but I'm being kicked off my computer now so the tubular bells etc... will have to be imagined.

edit: oh! I just noticed that I didn't record the second line, just had a weird robo stopgap. I'll do that tomorrow.

#choral #bombastic #mournful #pop


Hoist by my own petard
Unvoiced my terror
I tried to get over myself
But there's no way over myself


Foist on a ugly world
and misused in error
You tried to get over yourself
But there's no way over yourself


I pray you wake up
I pray you wake up in the morning
I pray you wake up
I pray you wake up


I pray you wake up
I pray you wake up in the morning
I pray you wake up
I pray you wake up


Well I guess music is often time and place, but this one really was right time n place. I liked it as much as any I have heard! It just was pretty, easy to listen to and a little touching!
Really like the Ahs and how they build. The song maybe relatively simple but certainly is not lacking anything. It has a very pleasant feel to it. And I should add that the little bit at the end is classic…
Great komposition! I love the mood of this song and how you add more and more layers to turn it somehow overearthly!
Aaahhh … and then the voice of your kitchen sink. Brilliant!