Draw the Line
Liner Notes
I'm not really convinced by this one. It starts as a song about how the information age exposes us to far more suffering than we can usefully do anything about, and how that tends to paralyse us (me) and stop us (me) from doing the small good we (I) can, but I'm not sure it goes anywhere interesting with it. Plus there's a fizzy 80s synth that has no business being there.
On the plus side, that's another song done. Maybe you'll like it more than I do. Onward!
this is world of pain
more than a human heart can healthily contain
so where do you draw the line?
fill up your neighbour's bowl
better than weeping for a war you can't control
can we just hold the line?
you say you did all you could
your little bleeding heart does no one any good
but what if we all combined?
is it just poor design?
who built a wall between what's yours and what is mine?
can we redraw the line?
Favorite line:
fill up your neighbour's bowl
better than weeping for a war you can't control
This might not be a hit with world leaders, but I’m certainly a fan.
I was just chatting to a friend the other day about my guilt for switching off from the news of late, but my feeling is that we’re better off giving our time and energy to our local communities rather than giving attention to the fear mongers. So this sums that up for me nicely.
I absolutely love what I’m now going to refer to as the ‘Debenham callback’, where you revisit a word or line (in this case both, get it!) in proceeding verses, with a twist on it. Brilliant stuff!