Cold Enough

by @jeremykazoo

Skirmish: Cold Enough For You? (@metalfoot)

Liner Notes

For @metalfoot #skirmish "Cold enough for you?". I'll say so. Woke up to -40 today so I simply had to see this one through.

Pretty rough demo. Looking forward to polishing this one up a bit.


Its minus forty
whatever degree you come from
My furnace can't keep up
With this Arctic system
I took my dog out
To shake the crazy
When we got round the block
Her face was full of freezies

Cold enough for you
Why we living here?
Australia has spiders
And the American have awful beer

Cold enough for you?
Let's stay inside
Ill be under this blanket
While you take your sled for a ride

Who gave us a long weekend
In February?
With the cost of living
I can't afford a hot retreat
Going out Means 13
layers and a car
Because you'll freeze your face
If you walk very far.

Cold enough for you
Why are we living here?
Australia has spiders
the American have awful beer

Cold enough for you?
Let's stay inside
Ill be under this blanket
Go take your sled for a ride

I give up
Everything hurts
From my joints To my skin
I've never felt worse
My brain needs sunlight
But I need heat
Maybe I'll go live
Among the reefs in Mozambique

Cold enough for you
We should be leaving here.
Australia has spiders
the American have awful beer

Cold enough for you?
Let's stay inside
Ill be under this blanket
Go take your sled for a ride


Gnarly write, @jeremykazoo ! "Australia and spiders"; "America and awful beer"; "freeze your face"; I'll be under this blanket"; "Go take your sled for a ride"?--classic lol lines among what seems golden stream-of-consciousness-like writing, man, woven cleverly within this off-beat gem of a lyric! And in song no different as it rocks just as wildly infectious with cold-sense hilarity, broken-archaic and recaptured guitar shred/strum, and unique vocals. Nice freezing skirmish!
WoW! Great Groove! I'm diggin' the drivin' rhythm! Love the "heavy weather"!! lyrics were so relatable! There the end there was a section that reminded me of Nirvana! Suh-Weeeet!
This was really fun and funny to listen to, all the little anecdotes you’ve added to give little insights on your daily struggle with the cold. I’ll try not to moan about the weather here as much. Really love the sparse rocky guitar rhythm too. And the kazoo is the cherry on the cake!
Yes, American's have awful beer. This feels like arctic metal. Nice job.
That bass line riff has a real cold edge to it, my favourite line is "I took my dog out/ to shake the crazy". Great work, keeping it rough!
Lol Enjoyed listening, loved the guitar, vocal delivery, and kazoo.

My favorite lines:
Cold enough for you
Why are we living here?
Australia has spiders
the American have awful beer
Nice edge to the guitar. Fun and far too relatable lyric. LOL
Damn this has some slick rhymes and I really enjoy the anti-cold sentiment (not quite AS cold here but damn it is cold enough for me!)
Nice driving rhythm 40 below is too cold. Sound of the song really supports the words, and kazoo is a great touch. Nice skirmish
I like the folksy perspective with the jangly guitar. Good cold skirmishing!