I Want It Now

by @carleybaer

Skirmish: Convenience (@unpronounceable)
I Want It Now

Liner Notes

#fuc #acoustic-one-take

I wasn't going to do this skirmish because I already have a song about convenience from earlier in the month. Then 10 minutes before the end I decided, why not, and included a callback to the other song. So here it is, so rough that I didn't even listen back to it before I bounced it. Enjoy!


I want it now
Don’t wanna wait
I’ve got a need
I need to satiate
I want it now
Warehouse depart
It’s on the way
Before I even click ‘add to cart’

Cultivated impatience
Touching everything far and wide
Throwing shovelfulls of stuff
Into the yawning hole inside

I want it now
Don’t look askance
I need groceries
And I don’t want to have to put on pants
I want it now
So please be lenient
I only want it
Because it’s so dang convenient

Cultivated consumption
What the market will bear
Keep filling the hole
But there just keeps being more hole in there


This is brilliant! It's so true and I am definitely susceptible myself. Great lyrics, and I really love the way that you've and the vocal melody play together. My favorite lines:
"Throwing shovelfulls of stuff
Into the yawning hole inside"
Wow, this is a skirmish‽ Such an unusual progression and lyrics that feel so tight. This is beautiful thing. “Cultivated impatience” captures this modern disease perfectly. Bravo!!
Great punchline: dig the hole deeper.
Really like how the short lines launch us immediately into the world of instant gratification. And for me, the "yawning hole inside" is just a great description of the terrible void we're all trying so desperately to fill, by shopping or whatever.
We like the word 'askance', 'convenience' was a tough prompt but this is great. Add to cart.
Overconsumption in a nutshell. Great skirmish. The line about putting on pants made me laugh, too. "I only want it because it's so dang convenient" strikes me as a great tag line for a lot of things (ahem tinder...)
"don't look askance"/"...put on pants" is my favorite rhyme of the week! You have such a way with an infectious melody -- love the match between words and music. Well done!
Love this - especially that "lenient / convenient" rhyme!
I need groceries
And I don’t want to have to put on pants

People should wear t-shirts with that emblazoned - me included. Oh what are we allowing ourselves into - your chorus about the yawning hole nails it :)
Way to make us all feel guilty.. lol crazy this is where we are at. Everything at our fingertips, some good about that and some bad. I love your approach to the prompt, plain convenience of our time. Nice job

The no pants grocery shopping made me laugh out loud 🤣