I Want It Now
by @carleybaer
Skirmish: Convenience (@unpronounceable)Liner Notes
#fuc #acoustic-one-take
I wasn't going to do this skirmish because I already have a song about convenience from earlier in the month. Then 10 minutes before the end I decided, why not, and included a callback to the other song. So here it is, so rough that I didn't even listen back to it before I bounced it. Enjoy!
I want it now
Don’t wanna wait
I’ve got a need
I need to satiate
I want it now
Warehouse depart
It’s on the way
Before I even click ‘add to cart’
Cultivated impatience
Touching everything far and wide
Throwing shovelfulls of stuff
Into the yawning hole inside
I want it now
Don’t look askance
I need groceries
And I don’t want to have to put on pants
I want it now
So please be lenient
I only want it
Because it’s so dang convenient
Cultivated consumption
What the market will bear
Keep filling the hole
But there just keeps being more hole in there
And I don’t want to have to put on pants
People should wear t-shirts with that emblazoned - me included. Oh what are we allowing ourselves into - your chorus about the yawning hole nails it :)
The no pants grocery shopping made me laugh out loud 🤣
"Throwing shovelfulls of stuff
Into the yawning hole inside"