The Sky

by @daveyboy103

The Sky

Liner Notes

A little nonsense punk song

#punk #american_punk


Oh I wish that I could fly
Up into the sky
And look upon the ground
And make a thunder sound

Faster than a plane can fly
And I can never lie
Look you in the eye
Look you in the soul

It's not over til it's over
It not lost until it's found
And the only thing I care about
Is the power of the sound

I don't love you any more
But I don't love you any less
I retain the power
If I can make you guess

The only thing I know
Is that you'll fuck me when you go
And go go you must
And we will turn to dust


Catchy as hell. More pop-punk than raw punk for sure because it's fabulously melodic. Great phrasing in the vocal that makes the syllables all snap marvelously. Love it mucho.
This is great. Like @mikeb says the extra production bits don't feel gratuitous but give it extra depth. The delay on the vocals etc. Though I think it would work even more stripped down as well. I also appreciate that it drops out the drums and slows down here and there instead of just barrelling through, providing some more variety. Right on.
Old-style punk, but with a more-modern feel and arrangement. Great overall sound, catchy guitars.