When I Was Alone and In the Cold

by @hmstreetteam

Skirmish: When I was (@geercom)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

A quick write with distractions. Something about the nature of the story.


When I was alone and in the cold
I thought of ways the story would be told
The more obstacles and suffering you see
The bigger is the stage of victory

Surely I must be a genius
If I could somehow overcome all this
To climb the mountain starting from the beach
Would show that nothing’s ever out of reach

It was never in my mind to wait for long
Or to crash out hard and then to come back strong
Or to struggle in my work year after year
But to come from out of nowhere and be here


Nice rhymes.
Great lyrics here - you paint a great picture here. As someone who lives where the mountains meet the sea I can really visualise this. :-)
These lyrics make me think about storytelling — what do we deem a “worthy” story/journey? Thought-provoking write!
These are great lyrics! The irony is palpable. "Surely I must be a genius" is such a great line to lead the second verse.