I'll Explain

by @kc_

Skirmish: It's hard to explain, but... (@robinleaf)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

#needsmusic #needscollab #skirmish

Written as a duet, didn't label parts... sorry about that.


I’ll explain… at least I’ll try
Beg and plead, even cry
It just happened in snap
But you ain’t buying, my lying crap

It never just happens
No Flash in the pan
Never instant
Always a plan

vox1&2? call and response perhaps?
Could have stopped
When you were staring
Stopped starting with the tilt
Turn back before your lips met
And our love began to melt

I’ll explain… at least I’ll try
Beg and plead, even cry
It just happened in snap
But you ain’t buying, my lying crap

Didn’t plan for it to happen
Heard it all before
When you see a storm is coming
You simply close the door

The rumble of the thunder
Hear the lightning crack
If the train’s a rollin’ for you
Then be stepping off the track

I’ll explain… at least I’ll try
Beg and plead, even cry
It just happened in snap
But you ain’t buying, my lying crap

Prayin you won’t get hit
With 55 hundred ton of steel
But will take the hit from her lips
Wonderin’ how that feels

You took so many hits
And went down and got back up
Let’s go to town for another round
Love to act so tough

Got dressed again, came back home
Stories of the job
Working late, holds no weight
The last excuse you’ll lob

The final bell has rung
(I can explain... at least I'll try}
Here’s your ticket for the show
(I really mean it will try to cry)
Platform 9, 10:35
(It just happened... in a snap)
I’ve packed you bags so go
(You ain't buyin' what I'm selling)
Done with the lyin' crap


Yup that I'll explain is really good! If I find a start line like that I know it's going to work. My first song repeated once or twice! I think there may be more than 1voicevm for this. Good lyric going to be a good song.
Hi @robinleaf and @frostin I was thinking a duet possibly - should have ID that... Thanks for bringing it to my attention! :-) and Thanks for taking the time to read and comment! Always appreciate that... Crap is part of my writing vernacular... but I don't really like it here... sounds kind of harsh... First pass will edit later! Thanks again for you input!
I like the structure in that it starts with the chorus. Maybe I should read this again, but somehow feels there were two voices. That also made it intriguing and didn't know, whose side I'm on.
Is this the same narrator throughout? If so, pretty interesting how at first he is trying to get out of it and then at the end he's like, get out. I like it.