the wedding

by @tippyteapot · @n1742

the wedding
tippyteapot +1

Liner Notes

Cyndy: This is my fourth FAWM; each year I have had the distinct pleasure of collaborating with Nigel.

Nigel creates really interesting and provoking musical compositions, then lets me add lyrics and vocals. Nigel then rounds out the production adding in additional elements that always bring the whole song together.

Thanks Nigel - always a highlight of FAWM for me!!

Cyndy’s fabulous lyrics and interpretations bring me back to FAWM year after year. I thought last years “Waltz of the Watchers” was amazing and have listened to it a lot but I like this one even better. I thought recorders in the intro would give it a spooky medieval feel and then tried out a few of my flute notes towards the end. Cyndy you’ve done it again. Thank you my friend.


blood and bone and bated breath
fire and frost and fancy dress
skin and sighs and sentiment
promises that won’t be kept
lonely in a crowded room, give the people candy hearts and cream balloons
faces look a masquerade in the moonlight, omens in the quartet’s tune

side by side
miles away
bad news bride
rotted bouquet

first we dined and then we danced
then we bid adieu romance
touches, glances, words we pledged
broken things we cannot mend
crowded in an empty room, in the shadows, sticky floors and flat balloons
airy mouths and glassy eyes in the moonlight, misty with unspoken gloom

soon, too soon
miles away
hollow groom
faded to grey


Wow! This has layers upon layers, both musically and lyrically. The dark melancholy running through it is very evocative and initially brought visions of Miss Haversham and her grotesque and rotting wedding banquet. But the sadness and poignancy is in the loss of a marriage that was once experienced, not just longed-for. And the slightly askew melody and disconnected lyrics masterfully show the emotional devastation that comes from that. Kudos to you both!
I imagine cinematic score for something like a version of Alice through the looking glass or a version of Snow White gone wrong. The whole package was mastered perfectly.
Dreamy and beautiful, prog without a single rock or roll in earshot.
What a nice set of lyrics and the music and the changes keep it very interesting! This is really excellent , that “lonely in a crowded room” is so hooky!
So very Beatley. The carnival feel of the arrangement is a perfect setting for the tale. Love the contrasting languid and double time phrases.Such a sad story for what is normally viewed as a joyous occasion.