Tiny quick guitar exercise 1

by @elainedimasi

Tiny quick guitar exercise 1

Liner Notes

On a guitar, I am barely-educated and have no practice plan.
You might want to look at the chart but not press "play"!
I know I am supposed to slow my things down enough so that there's time to set up my hand in tempo, but I didn't do it :-)




What lovely musical melody phrases. Very sweet to the ear. Definitely worth developing further. Well done!
@heather ah. got it.
@spinhead yes, I was referring to your comment saying she was too humble to flex :) Like, if you were inclined to flex, you totally could, but you won't because you're too cool. Is what I meant to say!
@heather you do see the existing handwritten notation, yeah?
I agree with @spinhead, renaissance vibes! And handwritten notation could be a flex if you were so inclined :) I think this is very pretty and it could totally be the beginnings of a song.
The start of a song, no doubt, @elainedimasi . Put up some accompanying lyrics--i.e., what the eyes see the mind conceives. Reading lyrics as you play just may better help that guitar hand playing-mind connection one needs to play/learn guitar even better. Good luck!
oh my. 16th century, perhaps?

it's lovely, and someday when it's all grown up, it will be amazing.

I look forward to watching your guitar skills grow over the next 20 years. also, hand written notation. THAT'S not a flex, but only because you're too humble to flex that hard.
I can hear where this wants to go. Keep at what you are doing and you will get there. Have fun and thank you for sharing. 😄