Unfettered Pessimism

by @rdlinder

There is no demo for this song.


I sit here in desperation
Soaked in my own perspiration
Waiting for some inspiration
Only finding hesitation

Be it time to claim me famous
Only finding that it's shameless
I cannot be held as blameless
I continue to be nameless

Seeking what I do not deserve
Hoping to avoid a sore nerve
Cannot face the upcoming curve
If there was something to preserve

Words they fail me by the moment
Feet are dragging as in cement
I am finding time is misspent
It can only conjure torment

Try to find me something happy
Only finding something crappy
Wished it was a bit more snappy
Make my foot go tippy-tappy

In the end expect a downfall
Don't reach out to find a cure-all
Always end behind the eight ball
Only outcome is to stonewall


Pessimism indeed. Sounds like the 2:30 am sleeplessness horrors as every fault parades across the mind giving one finger salutes. Congrats on the effective single rhyme per stanza. That's a hard trick to pull off but you've done it!