Everything But A Clue
by @andyt13
Liner Notes
Channeling Old School Van Halen here, or maybe even more DLR Band. I'm having trouble finishing things properly for some reason this year, so everything is super rough but whatever. Perhaps I will improve in the next few weeks
Fast cars
And cold martinis
Hot girls
In flag bikinis
That we just had to smash
Red guitars
And Lamborghinis
Chrome fangs
And you should see these
Big fat stacks of cash
I got everything but a clue
Everything but a clue
Everything but a clue
And you
Big deals
And little britches
Def dum dope and
Fresh Fly witches
We just had to smash
Dig the dogs
And line the ditches
Gold and riches
And you should see these
Big fat stacks of cash
I got everything but a clue
Everything but a clue
Everything but a clue
And you
I got everything but a clue
Everything but a clue
Everything but a clue
And you
I got everything but a clue
Everything but a clue
Everything but a clue
And you