The Wind in the Willows

by @motorcitymusicman

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

Just a tribute to an old classic. This is #lyricsonly


Enough of spring cleaning, let’s head to the river
And visit our friends there like Ratty and Mole
They’ll ply us with crumpets and good conversation
(And if it comes up, Ratty’s actually a vole)

We’ll walk to the Wild Wood and look for the Badger
We’ll learn from his wisdom and sit by the fire
He’ll give us a tour of his underground cavern
About Mr. Badger there’s much to admire

We’ll listen at night to the wind in the willows
We’ll look for a campsite that’s totally ours
We’ll sleep in the forest with moss for our pillows
And talk to each other and gaze at the stars

We’ll go to Toad Hall and we’ll have an adventure
There’s no one more friendly than old Mr. Toad
We’ll ride in his motorcar all through the country
And try to make sure he keeps eyes on the road

We’ll go on a quest for our friend Mr. Otter
And look for the piper who beckons the dawn
Return all the children and rescue his daughter
And stop in a clearing and play with a fawn

We’ll listen at night to the wind in the willows
We’ll look for a campsite that’s totally ours
We’ll sleep in the forest with moss for our pillows
And talk to each other and gaze at the stars

Enough of spring cleaning, let’s head to the river
And visit our friends there like Ratty and Mole
Let’s fly from the village and head to the country
‘Cause living in nature is good for the soul


I have not read the wind in the willows or seen any media attached to it. Still This story is full of whimsy and the kind hearted spirit I am compelled to think is present in the original. What a wonderful read.
Yay! I wrote a Wind in the Willows song for 50/90 last summer.
I love this story and you've got the feel as well as so many details in here!
So fun - let me know when the music is ready! Meter and rhyme are ready-made for a wonderful song.
What lovely way to tell the story of the wind in the willows. I’m looking forward to @almask17 ’s music!
I really enjoyed reading these . Would make a great song for kids.Would like to set them to music if that works for you ?