Mixup at the Masters

by @overflow

Mixup at the Masters

Liner Notes

Today’s inspiration came from an old news story. I wanted to do it jug band style, but somehow missed and ended up sounding kind of bluegrass. I decided, “Why fight it?” And I faced my arch nemeses, the guitar and barre chords.

I don’t know what these tags are for. 🤔
#countryfolk #americana #acoustic #girlwithguitar


One morning down in Georgia
Johnny stepped out to get the mail
And found a letter from the board of governors,
An invitation to the game.

Now Johnny … was a duffer,
He’d only ever played a round or two.
But he had the clubs, and he had the balls,
And nothing else he had to do.

(Chorus) Johnny, oh Johnny
Johnny, why’d you have to go and play
There was a mix-up at the Masters,
And you tried playing someone else’s game.

Johnny drove his pick-up to Augusta,
Parked between the Beemers in the lot,
Took out his handful of yard sale clubs,
And his plastic bag of Supersofts.

The attendant said, “Sir, can I help you?”
Looking down at Johnny’s blue jeans,
Johnny handed him his invitation,
To prove they had to let him in.


Now Johnny had time before his tee-off
So he loaded down his cart with beer
And he cruised the course, while he whooped and called,
Scaring all the golfers with his cheers.

When it finally came time for his moment
He whiffed, and tore the green up, and swore.
He hit one single shot before they hauled him away
It flew into the crowd and he yelled ……. FOOOORE!



Great instrumentation had my toes tapping, and the vocals were perfect for the feels! Well told story, poking fun at the stuffy Masters organizers' mistake. LOVED the line, "But he had the clubs, and he had the balls" which pretty much sums up our beer-chugging anti-hero! Keep writing!!!
Are you sure you aren’t from the Deep South? That’s Nashville! Honestly though, this song took me back to yesteryear. A happier time. Your vocals were beautiful, the lyrics were just right, and that constant bluegrass chug in the background brought the whole piece together. I’m so impressed with your awesomeness. Shame on Johnny trying to play someone else’s game! 🤘🏻
You got me tapping my toes immediately! Love the lyrics, and those harmonies on the chorus hit perfectly. I love good ole stories being told in the middle of a great arrangement. Thanks for this!
this song is a hole in one! great work
love the instrumentation , lyric, and singing