
by @metalfoot

Liner Notes

And in the next installment of #countingwithmetalfoot we have a number you can't actually count, because it's part of the irrational numbers! Whee!

e is a great number. Ironically, the chord E was unharmed in the writing of this song but that's OK.

For those who don't know, I was a math major in university. This is my sorta thing to geek out about.



e is the sum of the infinite series from 0 to infinity of 1 over n factorial
e is a magical constant in mathematics, that's not just rhetorical

For e to the x is its own derivative
And e to the x is its own antiderivative as well
Yet e is not the sort of number you can count upon
e is irrational and as it goes that's just as well

e is a transcendental number, and that is something good to contemplate
e on the complex number plane helps sine and cosine to correlate

For e has a decimal expansion that will never end
e is a funky number for sure, I wish I could be its friend
Yet e is not the sort of number you can count upon
e is irrational and as it goes that's just as well

e is roughly 2.71828182845904523536028747135... that's all I wanna recite tonight


Thank you so much for writing a song about my favourite irretional number. You explained a lot of interesting facts about that number.
Alex, did you ever consider being a science professor? Or publishing all your chemistry and maths songs?!
Can we have a song about i being the imagine unit?
Great continuation of the series, a fun listen!
And here I was expecting "Three"! I was NOT a math major, but if anything were to entice me into the fold it would be songs like this. Not to be a parrot, but big Schoolhouse Rock vibes. I can practically see the animated video in my head!
This one is great
Whoa, I never met e before, and if I did, it was not a relationship that lasted. Those rhymes are fantastic, and well pronounced. Hands clapping.
You know, I don't think I've ever actually stopped to think about what makes the number e so special and why it appears so much in mathematics. I learned a lot this morning, thanks! 😄
Ah, you DID end up posting the first few digits and I WAS RIGHT!!!

I was a high school math teacher in an earlier life, and THOUGHT it was 2.718... Thank you for making me so pleased with myself today!

Nice song by the way! 😉❤️
Well every day’s a school day around here! I would never have known this clever fact if I hadn’t stopped by to see what the world’s shortest song title was about 😀
There is no nerdy fact that can escape the gravitational pull of the brown couch and Metalfoot's lyric writing.
you make math fun you know? I feel like everytime you take on a project like this I learn something.
You even made the track e minutes long, you clever clogs. That's the sort of genius bonus the Big Bang Theory could only dream of aspiring to.

That aside, this is a good fulfilment of your own challenge; a perfect blend of mathematical nerdiness and jovial punning that really brings out the parallels between we human beings and this abstract mathematical concept. The sound is great and makes me think fondly of radio rock at the turn of the millennium.
This is ADORABLE. I love it...a toe-tapping math song! You may have inspired me to write a linguistics song hahahah.