Help Us Through These Days

by @bobjestes

Skirmish: Say What You Mean to Say (@hmstreetteam)
Help Us Through These Days

Liner Notes

#bluesy #guitar #mandolin #vocals
My first posting for this year's FAWM. I think I needed to write this in order to get to some more fun loving stuff. I believe all these feelings have been crowding out a lot of other stuff, so let the fun begin!


Help Us Through These Days

Things been hard, things been tough, things been kinda weird...
Who knew we’d be on this road, it’s much worse than we feared...
We tried to follow rules, we all tried to be good...
We were busy helping others, we were doing what we could...
But these dark winds of evil change have left us in dismay...
Come together weary people, and help us through these days.

We were taught to love our brothers, brought up to be kind...
Relying on each other, our lives are intertwined...
Take pride in lifting those in need, we rally for goodwill...
We give to noble causes, we’re giving to them still...
But these dark winds of evil change have left us in dismay...
Come together weary people, and help us through these days.

They call us weak, they call us woke, condemn us for our actions...
They say that we’re the problem, accuse us of infractions...
They’ve turned the world upside down, say what was good is bad...
And wallow in their big, fat lies, they’re so far beyond sad...
These dark winds of evil change have left us in dismay...
Come together weary people, and help us through these days.


Love the mandolin (especially the solos) and guitar. Great vocal delivery. Lyrics hit (too) close to home. Nicely done!
Great strings with guitar and mandolin and wonderful vocal delivery of the melody! Love the sound and the call to action!
I guess you might call it a protest song. Certainly the kind that will get a room full of people to sit still and listen. This kind of weary wisdom is not overdone in current music, so that means it’s fresh again.
I especially like the "weird/feared" rhyme. You've captured the angst of the time--so relatable. Thanks for your comments on Seventeen Again, my collab with @markfulwider. He was a pleasure to work with and knows his way around a studio!
Well, this song checks all the boxes. Great job of passing through our big plate of problems I’d get up and dance if I didn’t also feel the urge to sit down and cry.. I particularly like the weak and woke line. Nicely done.
Love me some blusy riffs. Absolutely love your lyrics. It's been really interesting how this FAWM differs from last year (this only my second, so not much to compare). Songwriting is such a good way to work out the emotions that have surfaced during this time of our lives. Keep creating!