touch my toes

by @nelsonwalkermusic


i'm learning how to touch my toes,
touch my toes,
touch my toes,
i'm learning how to touch my toes

i'm learning how to touch my toes,
touch my toes,
touch my toes,
i'm learning how to let you go

and sometimes the night weighs heavy on your heart
and sometimes the morning wakes you with a start
and sometimes she'll wrap her body up with yours, but you'll still


i'm learning how to say hello,
say hello,
say "hello!"
i'm learning how to say hello

i'm learning how to say "hello",
and "go go go!",
and "i don't know",
i'm learning how to touch my toes

and some nights the time weighs heavy on your heart,
collecting dust on a shelf and marbles in a jar,
if it crashed to the ground and shattered all around
would we dance among the shards?

would it leave a scar?

i'm learning how to touch my toes


Are yes a depth hidden under the smile! You have managed a lot using little, that is very skilful! Really well done!
Great delivery and a fun piece. I can tell there's more to this than just some silly phrases. You've got great tone in the guitar and the voice. Congrats on posting your first song!
Very good vocal take. I like this melody a lot and you nailed the performance. I love the use of repetition. There is quite a bit of contrast/dynamics in this demo, too. Not easily accomplished with a sparse demo. This is a really good song.