Warten auf die Lichtpolizei

by @hmstreetteam

Skirmish: Lichterkette (translation... (@mashala)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

#lyricsonly #sciencefiction
I took the challenge of writing in German on the subject of a demonstration with candles. This is lyrics only because memorizing a few lines of German is beyond my skill level.
This is a science fiction story based on a dream I had yesterday. Translation between English and German was assisted by Apple.

Ich nahm die Herausforderung an, auf Deutsch zum Thema einer Demonstration mit Kerzen zu schreiben. Dies sind nur Texte, weil das Auswendiglernen von ein paar Zeilen Deutsch über mein Können hinausgeht.

Dies ist eine Science-Fiction-Geschichte, die auf einem Traum basiert, den ich gestern hatte. Die Übersetzung zwischen Englisch und Deutsch wurde von Apple unterstützt.


Ich wachte aus einem Traum auf, und ich war nicht allein.
Was könnte es in der Ostsee sein?
Wir gingen und nahmen die Batterie heraus.
Wir bewegten uns so leise wie eine Maus.

Diese Mission ist vergessen und vorbei.
Wir warten auf die Lichtpolizei.

Wofür stehen wir? Warum sind wir hier?
Welche Art von Ärger suchen wir?
Unsere Titelgeschichte ist alles, was sie gehört haben.
Wir haben bereits unsere wahren Forderungen.

Diese Mission ist vergessen und vorbei.
Wir warten auf die Lichtpolizei.

I woke up from a dream, and I was not alone.
What could it be in the Baltic Sea?
We went and took out the battery.
We moved as quiet as a mouse.

That mission is forgotten and over.
We are waiting for the light police.

What do we stand for? Why are we here?
What kind of trouble are we looking for?
Our cover story is all you’ve heard.
We already have our true demands.

That mission is forgotten and over.
We are waiting for the light police.


I'm definitely getting the dream like state, fragmented ideas beautifully grouped back together to form a picture. There is a sense of urgency in the words and you can really feel the intensity. Great write.
This is as catching as it is mysterious. I love the chorus. "Lichtpolizei" is so interesting. And the mission that is over and forgotten.
I have a lot of different images in my head - children playing, dystopian futures, sci-fi. Really interesting take on the prompt and wonderful execution! Thank you so much for participating! Great Skirmish!
I love the surreal imagery, the chanting of the questions (Wofür stehen wir? ...) and the metaphors. The light police... I suppose I will dream of them tonight.
Such good storytelling! Bit of a dystopian chill to it. I don't even know the name for the genre I can hear this in my head to, but I'm hearing synths and slightly distorted half-spoken vox...
very evocative story! gives the sense of a vigil that might not be allowed... die Lichtpolizei...!!!!
"Waiting for the Light Police" is a chilling thought, and your lyrics certainly spark a bit of paranoia (or perhaps advance warning). Not a critique by any means - good writing should be evocative. For some reason, my mind brought up images of nuns removing the distributor cap from the police vehicle in the Sound of Music.
Wonderful story telling and feels even more mysterious trying to read it in German!