The tamer
by @torsten
Skirmish: Mythology (@atornberg)Liner Notes
The prompt of the skirmish was:
"Write an epic song that could become a timeless myth. It should be a story of a heroic figure, or if you wish, the most evil mythical figure ever."
The following is what I came up with. Might be just the beginning of a new song.
am dm
last year I was plagued by the myths
they were in front of my door and my eyes
dm am
I think they came from the toilet paper
F E7
I thought to myself so ein Scheiร
am dm
First I shooed / chased them away
than I got these strips with glue
dm am
and think I caused death and sorrow and among them
F E7
but their numbers just grew and grew
Then a friend told me about julian
He'd forgotten of course where he knew him from
But Julian knew how to communicate
D Bb
with Ideas no matter how brisk
C em
He is a real mythologist
F E7
known as the tamer of myths
F em C
known as the tamer of myths
The last line has a different feel to me than the rest of the song, if I were the one writing the follow-up I think I'd tell the story of the myth-taming in a more solemn style to match that (and then maybe afterward switch back to bouncy irreverence).
I quite liked the Julian / "knew him from" rhyme ^^
Didn't know you had a myths invasion in your home but glad you found professional help! Can't wait to hear what happens next...