This song is super queer!
by @yam655
There is no demo for this song.
Liner Notes
I'm rocking my ace/aro/agender #queer visibility with this one.
I like "nothing below" being paired with the conceptual end of the song. It repeats, but there's nothing new below that point. It tickles me.
This song is super queer!
It's super queer!
It's super queer!
This song is super queer!
There's no sex!
No romance, here!
This song is ace and aro
It's agender.
Nothing below.
This song is ace and aro
And agender.
Nothing to show.
This song is super queer!
It's super queer!
It's super queer!
This song is super queer!
There's nothing below.
Nothing below.
I think this is possibly the queerest possible song - adding to your being tickled by the “nothing below” ending the song, the fact that it’s posted lyrics only right now and there’s no instrumentation/accompaniment below either is even MORE on the nose haha - agender, aromantic, asexual, amelodic, this is as queer as it gets - it tickles me too!