My Gently Weeping Guitar

by @rdlinder

There is no demo for this song.


My 70th year I was gifted an axe
In the hopes that maybe I'd lay down some tracks
I added some gear, bought a shiny new case
Then stored it away in its own little space

The shame of it is it’s been over a year
The brand new guitar is shedding a tear
It sits there, disused, when it’d rather be here
Making sweet music to bring us some cheer

The strings are all in tune, it action's divine
My fingers are no longer calloused, a sign
That I've spent nearly no time trying to play
It's something that really should be changing this day

Given that February has a goal
I must find that music deep down in my soul
A weeping guitar has no place in a hole
The new tunes and chords I must now cajole

Picking it up I am stricken with fear
What if the music just doesn't appear?
What could I play that has not yet been heard?
What if the muse within is not stirred?

Away with excuses! Should not be dismayed
I have to find out what happens when played
The small voice inside me I have to persuade
Its negative bent I must now dissuade


Great lyrics. My calluses are weak too, but I've got a month to toughen them up. Thanks for your good words on my song "Resurrection. Much appreciated
I like how these lyrics feel like a spell to summon that underused guitar out of it’s case. They make me eager to hear the music that’s floating in the ether ready to be laid down and bound. Good luck!
great lyric- a FAWM mission statement if there ever was one! and yeah, get out that guitar! :)