I'm hungry and I've got ears.

by @yam655

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

Well, this definitely has #ears covered, but do you know how it is #queer? Read those lyrics. There are absolutely zero references to heteronormative behavior. There are no references to sex or romance, nor anything associated with gender.

... "Hungry" might be a gender. ... it sounds like a generally allosexual gender, like continuously "thirsty." ... On one hand, "hungry" sounds like a pretty queer gender to me, and on the other hand, I meant it in the asexual sense.


I'm hungry and I've got ears.
But not the eating kind.
I wanted to eat some ears.

I'm hungry and I've got ears
but not the fried kind
They're undercooked today.

When you are hungry do you eat ears?
The fried kind? The raw kind?
When you are hungry do you eat ears?
From a carnival or a shop?

I would like
an elephant ear.
Not from the animal
Not from Bert or Betty.

I would like
an elephant ear.
The kind they fry
and cover with sugar.

I'm hungry and I've got ears.
But not the eating kind.
I wanted to eat some ears.


I hear you! The eating of ears is a strange phenomenon- pigs ears are particularly popular. I’m sure there’s a hidden message in this but so far the surface it’s not graspable! Be fun to set to music though.