It's lunch time and I'm queer.

by @yam655

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

Just a casual song about being #queer at lunchtime.

(Don't worry, more songs about ears are coming.)


It's lunch time and I'm queer.
I'm feeling hungry.
I want a beer.

It's lunch time and I'm queer.
I'll have a bowl
Maybe two or three.

When you are queer
do you get hungry?
Do you eat cabbage
or rice with egg?

When you are queer
does your nose get runny?
Do you have the flu
or a cold today?

It's lunch time and I'm queer.
One of those will pass.
I'll eat my lunch
and stay queer.

I'm hungry
I'll go eat.


It’s lunchtime and I’m queer, one of those will pass - incredible line that encapsulates the song. Simple on its face, existential and political everywhere else
I know what you are doing and I fully support it. I only wish things were different. Anyway, keep on!!!
"One of those will pass" is a great line! Another clever piece!