Ears for queers

by @yam655

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

Does it look like I have an #ears theme going for this first batch of #queer songs? I slapped together my prompts a day or so ago, then ran through them with a quickness. Still, this method of doing it allows for a lot more time for small tweaks and revision than my normal approach. I spent a lot of time on them, but I think the quality is up.


Ears for queers.
Some queers need ears.
Some queers need hands.

When a queer needs an ear,
do you provide it?
When a queer needs a hand,
do you offer yours?

Sometimes it can get so lonely.
Sometimes it can get so rough.

Provide a little ear.
Provide a little hand.

The queers won't bite
(unless you want it)
The queers won't mind
if you want to let it show.

Some queers need ears.
Some queers need hands.
Will you offer yours?
Will you be so kind?


A silly fun rhyme into a real question, I love how seussian it is, nice work
This is great, Steven! A sweet song with a kind message, very personable. Love it!