The princess in the land of beer bears

by @yam655

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

This is a song dedicated to ace/aro princesses who are fans of beards and bears. It's the idol of the bear hall, and my #queer #FirstFruits.

#needs_collab #needs_music


The princess in the land of beer bears.
She likes to keep company with bears.
The princess in the land of beer bears.
She likes to see lovely bears.

She does not want to sex them.
She does not want to date them.
She just wants to watch them.
She thinks they're cute. What a lass.

The princess in the land of beer bears.
Everyone's friend. Everyone's friend.
Not because she picks up their tab.
She's friendly. She offers her ear.

Everyone enjoys her company.
She is the princess of us all.
Everyone enjoys her company.
She's the princess, and that is all.


When I think of "beer bears", I think of HAMM'S BEER. Depending on your age, you've heard of that...or not! I don't think they make it any more.

Nice set of lyrics--would love to hear them set to music. ❤️
This is a very sweet start to FAWM!